11 Feb 2019

8 Essential Skills Required to be A Machine learning engineer

8 Essential Skills Required to be A Machine learning engineer

Machine Learning is A Subset of Artificial Intelligence which is the most celebrated Topic among the researchers and Computer Expert in 21st Century.
         It is a Branch of Computer science which deals with creating Intelligent system and program that can learn by themselves or can take appropriate decision using the past experience . In this era of information , Machine learning is considered as the future of mankind and technology .
       Machine learning and artificial intelligence is already in use in fields like robot manufacturing ,weather forecasting and Data analysis for marketing giant like you tube ,Amazon ,google an Microsoft.
        But even after that much interest there's a question that comes into mind ,what are the key skill you must have to be a Machine learning Engineer.
         Generally this branch of  study require a number of skill to master or atleast proper understanding of basic concetpts ,but here I am making a list of 8 Must have skills to be a Ml engineer.

1.Programming Skills in Multiple Language.

To be a ml expert you must know multiple language such as R , Python ,C++ and Java
    C++ can be used to increase speed and Hardware efficiency.
R is best for Statistics while Java can be used in many places.
python is already famous to build Ai.

2.Statistics And Data Science

Machine learning is actually based on testing data from different sources and finding patternt in raw information, so it requires Huge amount of Data Analysis And Data management . Statistics and Data science skills is a must have to manage these continuous and descrete form of Data.

3.Applied Mathematics

Where there's raw data there's solid Calculation ,without mathematics its impossible to find patterns and forming Algorithm . Mathematics is used to work with data and converting  Algorithm to mathematical modal, so study of ML requires a lot of maths.

4.Advanced Algorithm

In this field of sci knowing a number of Programming Language is not enough but you also must know how you can use those fancy language to make useful stuffs , for that you must have an amazing skills in forming and implementing Algorithm . And to be advanced in Algorithm you must understand basics at pro level

5.Using Multiple Computer tools as as Advance S/w and os.

Working as A Machine learning engineer requires a Lot of technical tools and a variety of Software for diffrent Operation. You may also require to be familiar with all the advance Operating Systems such as Linux ,unix etc For Devloping and Testing purpose .

6.Advanced Signal Processing

Machine learning Require a lot of Signal processing and Signal analysis for that you must be familiar with signal processing as a core skill to gain a pro level.

7.a little bit of Marketing and communication Skills

Personally, theses two skills are bonus and needed everywhere no matter what you are studying . But by the ML point of view Marketing Knowledge is essential and to apply those knowledge you must have a good communication skills thats all.

8.Skill to Learn New things with time

As we are living in the era of Information and Internet , Technology is updating every second and every minute atleast a new type of technical object is coming to existence . So to be in competition you need to update your knowledge ,You need to keep learning.

Thank you happy Machine Learning

Written by-Aakash deep gupta

Article 1:Iintroduction to Artificial intelligence and Machine learning

Article 2:Introduction To Machine Learning Algorithm
article 3:Understanding Supervised and unsupervised machine learning

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