25 Jan 2019

Beginner's Guide To Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning : Introduction

beginner's Guide To Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning :Introduction

We cant deny the fact that nowdays sci-fi movies are more popular than any other genre also these amazing movies played a crucial role in growth of sci lovers . According to some theory   the master piece Interstellar inspired astrophysicist to research about black holes resulting in more proved theories.
       I am sure if you are a sci -fi fan you  definitely know at least a something about  Machine learning . This article is about to introduce you to machine learning ,its application and its dangers.

What is Machine learning?

Machine learning is a branch of Algorithm and programming in which we try to develop some advance system that can analyse data and can learn by it self .
       To be familiar with machine learning you may know what intelligence actually means and how brain works so lets begin.

What is intelligence ?

Intelligence in human beings is defined as

the ability to acquire and apply the knowledge

Acquiring knowledge is all about to collect the needed information and ,applying means to take decision on the basis of past experience ,learning and already Developed logic's.
Some examples are:


2.taking decision based on past good or bad experience.

3.mastering the technique to control your flow of emotions also termed as emotional intelligence .

Now you have a basic understanding of human intelligence so now we will discuss how brain works for intelligence.

How brain works?

In Human brain there's a kind  of cells cells that carry data we acquire called as neurons . These neurons have different kind of data each and when we try to learn something new or any mental activity, these neurons interact with each other to make new connections .
       You can understand it as ,we have all letter in different boxes (existing neurons ),and we take some letters and build some words and (some more neurons ) after that we connect those words and form  sentence (new connection)

Machine learning which is also called A subset of Artificial intelligence ,is based on similar principal .

Basic Theory

In machine learning or Artificial intelligence The program is build in a way that every time we feed data ,program build more accurate connection ,until it reach the most accurate result or it learns.

Why we need Artificial Intelligence?

The limit of computer is ,it can only solve those problems that human did already . In another word all the problem solved by computer are actually feeded by some intelligent programmer ,computer is actually not solving the problem but following the instructions.

But in artificial intelligence ,computer can try new logic's by themselves and can solve more complex problem a human cant even think of . Which gives it a value . A more interesting thing is it can analyse data and can conclude with accurate and valid results.

It was a basic introduction to artificial intelligence ,in next articles we will discuss Application ,terms related to AI , how it actually works and Dangers of AI .
Article 2:Introduction To Machine Learning Algorithm
Thank you.

Written by Aakash deep gupta

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