26 Jan 2019


Understanding Machine learning Algorithm

Article 1:Iintroduction to Artificial intelligence and Machine learning

As We Already know, What is Machine Learning  in previous article  or subset of Artificial Intelligence .
          We can now proceed to more complex topics in this Series . The next topic we are going to discuss is Machine learning Algorithm .which deals with the method and logic's behind these intelligent systems.
                But before machine learning algorithm we  must understand what this term Algorithm actually means in detail .

What is Algorithm?

In definition :

Algorithm is the set of Rules To be followed to solve a particular class of problems .

In general:
Algorithm is the steps involved in a process , which must be taken to find the solution of a particular types of  problem ,

For example :
Your mother asks you to bring milk from your uncles house so that she can prepares sweet from it and again asks you to deliver it to your uncles house.

Now let us convert it into Algorithm and a Program logic.

Step 1:
Take a empty bottle and go to uncles house.
Step 2:
Fill the bottle with milk
Step 3:
Travel to your home ,and give it to your mother.
Step 4:
Sweet is prepared by your mother
Step 5:
Deliver it to your uncles house.

What ? We were not talking about milks and sweets but Algorithm isn't it?
Now see the program version of the example.

Step 1:
You created a empty variable(bottle) and gave a message to user to give input(milk)

Step 2:
You took the input (milk) into variable(bottle)

You presented it to processor (mother) it used the logic (Prepare the sweet)

Step 4:
Input (milk)  is now converted into output (sweet).

Step 5:
You gave the output (sweet) to user (uncle)
Let us assume we are making a program to check the no to be prime or not  We first creates a variable to store the number. Then we prints a message to input a number ,after that we apply the logic on number and prints the result to user
         All the individual steps involved is nothing but algorithm.

In programming the Algorithm is represented using Flow charts.

Now you understands the Term Algorithm . Now we will discuss ML algorithm.

What is Machine learning Algorithm?

Machine learning algorithm is the set of rules or methods of programming.
 in which program is written in a way that ,it can take inputs and can give the desired output without changing the program codes. It can use the input data to maximise the accuracy every time we provide  data.
      Or we can say that ,the steps and method we use to make program that is ,capable of receiving input , and changing  its code according to inputs data to increase the accuracy of desired output is known as machine learning algorithm.

The four types of Machine learning Algorithm are
1.Supervised learning

2.Unsupervised learning

3.semi supervised learning

4.Reinforced learning

We well discuss each of them in detail in next articles.

Thank you

Written by Aakash deep gupta

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