Understanding supervised and unsupervised machine learning.
Article 1:Iintroduction to Artificial intelligence and Machine learning
Article 2:Introduction To Machine Learning Algorithm
In previous Articles we Discussed, What is Machine learning ?
What is Machine learning Algorithm?
Now its time to discuss about different types of Algorithm used in Making intelligent programs ,
In general there are four types of ML algorithm :-
1.Supervised Learning.
2.Unsupervised Learning
3.Semi Supervised Learning
4.Reinforced Learning
1. What is Supervised Learning?
Supervised Learning is a method of creating intelligent program by providing them Example dataOr Training Data which includes parameters and possible output . And these program use this Training data to generate result on Real given input.
Its confusing? let us explain , for example you have to classify four kinds of shape namely Square ,Rectangle ,Circle and Triangle . And these four shapes belongs to Two types of colours Blue and yellow .
We uses parameters like radius ,sides ,colours to determine the shapes .
Square and circle belongs to blue while rectangle and triangle belongs to yellow.
Now we specified some properties
Now we feed the example data or training data as,
A blue circle[Radius,blue,]
A blue Square
[Sides 4,blue]
A yellow rectangle
[Sides 4,yellow]
A yellow triangle
[Sides 3,yellow]
Now we wants to determine name of a unknown shape having known sides and colour.
Feed inputs to system
As [parameters,|possible output]
For example
[4 sides,yellow|circle,square,rectangle,triangle]
Algorithm will check for parameters, as
It has 4 sides,
It can be square or rectangle
It has a color yellow
It can be triangle or rectangle
After calculation of mathematical values it will declare result
As Its A rectangle!
Hence ,supervised machine learning is a way in which we provide possible output and parameters to system to match it from training data .
Now we will try to understand the core concept of unsupervised machine learning.
2.What is unsupervised machine learning?
Unsupervised learning is method of creating intelligent programs by providing it Only imputs as parameters but not any example model.
We can also say that the output of the data is unknown ,and its algorithms responsibility to determine the shape by it self.
Let me explain using previous example .
In this case we will provide inputs in this manner
As [Parameters],
For example
[4 sides ,yellow]
In this case system will use its intelligent algorithm to determine the name of shape by it self .
I hope that ,you now understands the basic concepts and difference between supervised and unsupervised machine learning .
Next article will deal with next two types
3.semi supervised learning
4.reinforced learning
Thank you
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Written by Aakash deep gupta
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