26 May 2019

Indian Monsoon 2019: Full Details

Unlike the Indian Meteorological Department, Private Sector Company SkyMet Weather Services says that this year, monsoon will be less than normal.  According to SkyMet's predictions, this year the monsoon may have an impact of alieno.  This year, monsoon can be 93% of normal.  According to the report, Kerala can reach Kerala on June 4.  Earlier on May 22, the monsoon will reach Andaman Nicobar.  According to Skymet, the private forecasting agency, this time the monsoon can come in two days late.  The agency has predicted the arrival of the monsoon on 4th June to Kerala.  Usually the date of commencement of monsoon in Kerala remains on June 1.

Let us know that earlier the India Meteorological Department (IMD) had said that El NiƱo's position remained weak.  The possibility of moving forward is very low.  In the next few months, it can be weak.  If this happens then there is great news for the farmers of the country, because the direct impact of monsoon rains falls on the rural economy.

 Where will it be so much less rain -

 Rainfall in Bengal, Bihar and Jharkhand will be less this year, according to SkyMate.
 Eastern India is estimated to have 92 percent rainfall compared to normal ones.
 Estimates of good rainfall are being reported in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and Punjab.  In central India the monsoon may be less than 50 percent below normal.

 Monsoon impact on economy

 The direct impact of monsoon falls on the rural population.  By keeping the monsoon in general and good, the income of the people increases in the rural areas, thereby increasing demand in demand.  The industry also gets the advantage of increasing income in rural areas.  At the same time, if weak, it has the opposite effect.

 Speaking of 1951-2000, the long period of rainfall in the country has been 89cm average.  Previously, the private agency SkyMet, which gave information about the weather, has estimated that during June to September, the normal rainfall will be 93 per cent of the season.  However, the agencies run away believing that there may be a slight change in it.  5 percent may be more or less.

14 Mar 2019

In a Breakthrough Study, Physicists Discovered the Way to "Reverse Time" Using a Quantum Computer

An international team of scientists led by researchers at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology demonstrated the possibility of time reversal in a development that contradicts the basic laws of physics, Newsweek reported on Wednesday. The researchers were assisted by colleagues in Switzerland and the United States.

Lead researcher Dr Gordey Lesovik, who heads the Laboratory of the Physics of Quantum Information at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, said, “We have artificially created a state that evolves in a direction opposite to that of the thermodynamic arrow of time.”

The thermodynamic arrow of time refers to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which states that “disorder” only increases with time, and can never decrease. A direction opposite to this, previously unknown, would mean that the object moves back from a state of chaos to order.

In a study published in the journal Scientific Reports on March 13, the scientists experimentally showcased time reversal by sending a qubit from a more complex state to a simpler one using an algorithm on an IBM quantum computer. A qubit, or quantum bit, is the basic unit of quantum information. It is the quantum version of a computer binary bit, which can be a one or a zero.

The quantum physicists decided to check if time could spontaneously reverse itself, at least for an individual particle, and for a tiny fraction of a second. As a result, they examined a single electron in empty interstellar space.

“Suppose the electron is localised when we begin observing it. This means that we are pretty sure about its position in space,” said the study’s co-author Andrey Lebedev from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. “The laws of quantum mechanics prevent us from knowing it with absolute precision, but we can outline a small region where the electron is localised.”

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6 Mar 2019

What is Deep Learning and How It can Take Place of Human


The idea to develop a truly intelligent computer: one that might understand human language and then can make its inferences and decisions on its own.
It will become obvious that such an effort would require no less than Google-scale data and computing power.
Deep learning copies the activity of neurons in the neocortex, 80 percent of the brain where thinking occurs. It learns, in a very real sense, to understand patterns in digital representations of sounds, images, and other types of data.
The fundamental idea that software can process is the neocortex’s large array of neurons in an artificial “neural network” which is decades old, and it has led to as many disappointments as breakthroughs. But due to improvements in mathematical formulas and increasingly powerful computers scientists can create layers of virtual neurons very easily.

Building a Brain

There have been many competing approaches to these challenges. One of them is to feed devices with information and rules about the world. It took lots of time and still left the system unable to deal with debatable data it was limited to controlled applications such as phone menu systems which ask you to make queries by saying specific words.
AI research, looked favorable because they attempt to simulate the way the brain works, though in a simplified manner. A program is a set of virtual neurons and then it is assigned in random numerical values. These weights determine how each simulated neuron responds.
Coders would develop a neural network to detect an object by attacking the network with digitized versions of images containing those objects or sound waves containing those phonemes. If the network isn’t able to accurately understand a particular pattern then an algorithm would adjust the weights.

The goal of this training is to get the network to continuously recognize the patterns in speech or sets of images that we humans can understand. This is the same way a child learns by noticing the details of an object.
The fact that stunned some AI experts was though, was the amount of improvement in image recognition. It was challenging for most humans. The accuracy increased above 50 percent when the software was asked to sort the images into 1,000 more general categories.

Big Data 

Giving training to the layers of virtual neurons in the experiment took around 16,000 computer processors, the kind of computing infrastructure that Google has made for its search engine and other services is marvelous. About 80% of the advances in AI can be credited to the availability of more computer powers.
Deep learning has changed the way of voice search on our devices. The layers of neurons lead to more precise training on many varieties of a sound, the device can easily recognize sound more reliably, especially in noisy environments such as on metro platforms. It is easy to understand what was actually uttered, the result it returns is accurate as well.
Everyone doesn’t think that deep learning can move AI toward something rivalry human intelligence. Some people say deep learning and AI, in general, ignore too much of the brain’s intelligence in favor of brute-force computing.

What’s Next? 

Google has already started thinking about future applications, the prospects are fascinating. It is a better image search which would help YouTube, for instance. It’s also favorable that more complicated image recognition could make Google’s self-driven cars much better. There are search and ads that underwrite it. There has been betterment from any technology that’s good and faster at recognizing what people are really looking for, maybe even before they realize it.

Everyone wants to have the exact meaning of words, phrases, and sentences that always trip up computers. In turn, it will require a more complicated way to graph the syntax of sentences. Google has already started using these kinds of analysis to improve grammar in translations. Language understanding will require devices to grasp what we humans think of as common-sense meaning. Finally, People plans to apply algorithms to help computers deal with the “boundaries in language.”

Self Driving Car 

Microsoft also has there promising research on likely uses of deep learning in machine vision. It also has visualized personal sensors that deep neural networks could use to predict medical problems. Sensors might also help a city it might feed deep-learning systems that could predict where traffic jams might occur.

It is a field that attempts something interpreting the human brain, it’s certain that only one technique won’t solve all the problems. But for now, it is the one which is leading the way in artificial intelligence. Deep learning is a really powerful metaphor for learning about the challenges of the world

1 Mar 2019


Roadmap to becoming a front-end web Developer in 2019

In present time, web developers are in high demand. To become to front-end web developer to have to follow these step :-

1. Learn the Basic

First of all, you have to learn HTML, CSS, Basic of JavaScript. 

In HTML, learn the basic,  writing semantic HTML, basic SEO, Accessibility.

In CSS. learn the basic, making layout, media Queries, learn CSS 3.

In JavaScript, learn Syntax and Basic Constructs, Learn DOM Manipulation, Learn Fetch API / Ajax (XHR), ES6+ and modular JavaScript, Understand the concepts Hosting, Event bubbing, Scope prototype, Shadow DOM, strict, how browsers work, DNS, HTTP.

2. Package Managers

You have to learn NPM, YARN. NPM improved a lot, post v5+, but is still behind YARN in some features; nothung serious though. Pick anyone!

3. CSS Pre-processors

In CSS Pre-processors, you should learn SASS, PostCSS, Less. PostCSS in not a pre-processor but can be used as one. Go for SASS and revisit PostCSS later. There is still some Less in the market but i won't go for it if i was starting in 2019.

4. CSS Frameworks

Bootstrap, Materialize CSS, Bulma, Semantic UI. These are some famous CSS Frameworks you can learn.

5. CSS Architecture 

You can learn BEM, OOCESS, SMACSS. With modern front-end frameworks, there is more push towards CSS in JS methodologies with which you are not going to need these. However, you should still learn BEM at-least, which would prove helpful in the long run.

6. Build Tools

Linters and Formatters - Prettier, ESLint, JSHint, JSLint, JSCS are some fomous Linters and Formatters. 

Task Runners - As Task Runner, you can use npm scripts, gulp.

Module Bundlers - Webpack, Parcel, Rollup are the Module Bundlers, you can use.

7. Pick a Framework


  • Vue.js

    • Vuex

  • Angular 

    • RxJS

    • ngrx

  • React.js

    • MobX

    • Redux  

      These are not specific to React though, you can use them in any framework or app.

Before you start this, you should have a good understanding of what single page applications are, how they work and what are some of positive and negative aspects of single page applications.

8. CSS in JS

  • Styled Components

  • CSS Modules

  • Emotion

  • Radium

  • Glamorous

9. Testing your Apps

You can fulfill all your testing needs with these three...

  • Jest

  • Enzyme

  • Crypress

10. Progressive Web Apps

  • Learn different Web APIs used in PWAs

    • Storage

    • Web Sockets

    • Service Workers

    • Location

    • Notifications

    • Device Orientation

    • Payments

    • Credentials

  • Calculating, Measuring and improving performance

    • PRPL Pattern

    • RAIL Model

    • Performance Metrics

    • Using Light House

    • Using Dev Tools

11. Type Checkers

  • TypeScript

  • Flow

12. Server Side Rendering

  • React.js

    • Next.js

    • After.js

  • Angular

    • Universal

  • Vue.js

    • Nuxt,js

You can use these libraries for Server Side Rendering 

13. Web Assembly

Web Assembly or WASM is the binary instructions generated from high level language such as Go, C, C++ or Rust. It is faster than JavaScript and WASM 1.0 has already shipped in the major browsers . It is being touted by some to eventually replace JavaScript but I seriously doubt that it would happen or see it happening anytime soon.

The most important note is you have to keep learning always. You should keep learning while doing job also. This will help to keep updated all time to the recent frameworks, libraries, language, and other stuff important for your work and your experience.

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Writen by - Aayush Sourav

17 Feb 2019


Top 10 Hacking Apps For Android

1. Kali Linux NetHunter

Kali Linux NetHunter is the first open source penetration testing platform for Android - powered devices. It supports Wireless 802.11 frame injection, HID keyboard, 1-click MANA Evil Access Point setups, BadUSB MITM attacks, etc.

 2. AndroRAT

The feature in this useful android hacking app include collecting information like contacts, and location. The app also allows you to remotely monitor received message and state of the phone, making phone call and sending texts, taking pictures from the camera, opening url in the default browser etc.

3. Hackode

With this app, you get the functionalities like google hacking, SQL injection, MYSQL server, WHOIS, scanning, DNS lookup, IP, MX Records, DNS DIF, Security RSS FEED, Exploits etc. It's a great android hacking app to start with and it doesn't ask for your private information to operate.

4. CSploit

CSploit calls itself the most advanced and complete IT SECURITY TOOLKIT for the Android Operating System. It's a tool that enumerates local hosts, finds vulnerabilities and their exploits, cracks WI-FI password, installs Backdoors, etc. 

5. FaceNiff

FaceNiff is a top android hacking App that allows you to intercept and sniff your WIFI Network Traffic. This tool widely used to snoop into people's FACEBOOK, TWITTER and other Social Media Websites using your Android device. This Hacker-Favorite tool steals cookies from WIFI network and gives an attacker an unauthorized access to victim's account.

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Written by- Aayush Sourav

11 Feb 2019

8 Essential Skills Required to be A Machine learning engineer

8 Essential Skills Required to be A Machine learning engineer

Machine Learning is A Subset of Artificial Intelligence which is the most celebrated Topic among the researchers and Computer Expert in 21st Century.
         It is a Branch of Computer science which deals with creating Intelligent system and program that can learn by themselves or can take appropriate decision using the past experience . In this era of information , Machine learning is considered as the future of mankind and technology .
       Machine learning and artificial intelligence is already in use in fields like robot manufacturing ,weather forecasting and Data analysis for marketing giant like you tube ,Amazon ,google an Microsoft.
        But even after that much interest there's a question that comes into mind ,what are the key skill you must have to be a Machine learning Engineer.
         Generally this branch of  study require a number of skill to master or atleast proper understanding of basic concetpts ,but here I am making a list of 8 Must have skills to be a Ml engineer.

1.Programming Skills in Multiple Language.

To be a ml expert you must know multiple language such as R , Python ,C++ and Java
    C++ can be used to increase speed and Hardware efficiency.
R is best for Statistics while Java can be used in many places.
python is already famous to build Ai.

2.Statistics And Data Science

Machine learning is actually based on testing data from different sources and finding patternt in raw information, so it requires Huge amount of Data Analysis And Data management . Statistics and Data science skills is a must have to manage these continuous and descrete form of Data.

3.Applied Mathematics

Where there's raw data there's solid Calculation ,without mathematics its impossible to find patterns and forming Algorithm . Mathematics is used to work with data and converting  Algorithm to mathematical modal, so study of ML requires a lot of maths.

4.Advanced Algorithm

In this field of sci knowing a number of Programming Language is not enough but you also must know how you can use those fancy language to make useful stuffs , for that you must have an amazing skills in forming and implementing Algorithm . And to be advanced in Algorithm you must understand basics at pro level

5.Using Multiple Computer tools as as Advance S/w and os.

Working as A Machine learning engineer requires a Lot of technical tools and a variety of Software for diffrent Operation. You may also require to be familiar with all the advance Operating Systems such as Linux ,unix etc For Devloping and Testing purpose .

6.Advanced Signal Processing

Machine learning Require a lot of Signal processing and Signal analysis for that you must be familiar with signal processing as a core skill to gain a pro level.

7.a little bit of Marketing and communication Skills

Personally, theses two skills are bonus and needed everywhere no matter what you are studying . But by the ML point of view Marketing Knowledge is essential and to apply those knowledge you must have a good communication skills thats all.

8.Skill to Learn New things with time

As we are living in the era of Information and Internet , Technology is updating every second and every minute atleast a new type of technical object is coming to existence . So to be in competition you need to update your knowledge ,You need to keep learning.

Thank you happy Machine Learning

Written by-Aakash deep gupta

Article 1:Iintroduction to Artificial intelligence and Machine learning

Article 2:Introduction To Machine Learning Algorithm
article 3:Understanding Supervised and unsupervised machine learning

4 Feb 2019

What is 80/20 Principle and how It can be used

What is 80/20 Principle and how It can be used

"80% of Effects is results of just 20% of Causes"

Discovery of the law of vital few

Once A  economist and philosopher Vilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto, born in Italy in 1848
Noticed an amazing trait about the environment we live in ,he noticed this intresting phenomenon called 80/20 rule from observing his pea plants in his garden ,he found that "only 20% pea plants produced 80% of healthy pea pods".
       It seems unusual to him and he decided to practice more data ,and found more intresting things like:

  • In all over Italy 20% of population owns 80% of lands

  • 20% of your home is the place where you spend 80% of your time

  • 20% of customers generates 80% of revenue
  • 20% of bugs causes 80% of crashe's

  • 20% of drivers causes 80% of accidents

  • 20% of your whole wardrobe is used 80% of whole times

These golden ratio applied in almost everything we do and we face .

And he concluded that:

"80% of the Results comes from 20% of your Actions"

       And more further research proved that its applicable in almost every case ,now this technique is used by many entrepreneurs  to utilize their hard work and maximize their result from minimum hard work.

How A student can use it?

If we apply this law on syllabus we can assume that just 20% of syllabus is really really important and rest 80% supports it.
       If you will collect last 10 years paper you will notice that 80% of question comes from 20% of topics ,
       So, if you can find these most important topic you can maximize your result by utilizing your efforts based on importance of the topics.
        Also experts suggest to first master the most important chapters and complete rest of syllabus once or twice.

How to use it to achieve your goal?

Take a paper and write down all the things you wants to do, and choose one most important thing you need to do ,after that choose second most important thing you need to do .
       Finish these two most important task first then repeat this on remaining tasks .ultimately you will end up doing all the important tasks without going distracted.

Written by -Aakash deep gupta

Indian Monsoon 2019: Full Details

Unlike the Indian Meteorological Department, Private Sector Company SkyMet Weather Services says that this year, monsoon will be less th...