17 Jan 2019

Ways to Avoid Being Hacked

Ways to avoid being hacked

 1. Be suspicious of emails

A lot of cyber attacks are launched through simple malicious email campaigns. Email is a wonderful communication platform because you can sending anything to anyone, but that means it can be a huge security risk.
Phishing, for example, sends victims seemingly innocuous emails that will lead victims to fake websites asking to update their personal information.

2. Checks link locations

Unknown massages contains links to unknown sites. Surfunf to a mysterious website can bring about unintended consequences. For one, it could mimic a site you know and trust and help you fall prey to a phishing scam. Or, it may be unsecure or infected with malware.

3. Never open attachments (unless you're really sure)

A good rule to follow is never open attachments unless you are 120% sure of where they come from. One of the easiest ways for hackers to download malicious code onto victim computers it by sending emails with virus-laden files.

4. Use two-factor authentication

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As bigger companies get hacked, the likelihood that your password is leaked increases. One hackers get passwords, they try to figure out which personal accounts they can access with the data they stole.

5. Use advanced password

This may be the most obvious yet overlooked tip. A strong password includes uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation, and gibbererish. Don't make the password a personal refrense, and don't store a list in a saved files. Most importantly, don't use the same password for multiple accounts.

6. Be wary of the cloud

Here's a food rule of thumb - If you don't want people to access your information, don't share it. This includes cloud storage. No matter how secure platform says it is, you ought to keep in mind that you're giving it to someone else to watch over.

7. In public Wi-Fi? Don't share personal data

Thinking about buying that plane ticket or checking your bank account whole sitting at the coffee shop? You may want to think twice about that, as you have no idea how secure that connection is. The same goes for place like hotels and conference centers. Security researchers just uncovered a vulnerability that made Wi-Fi traffic at some of the world's biggest hotels vulnerable to attack.

Written by- Aayush Sourav

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