24 May 2018

10 psychological hacks that actually makes you smart

10 psychological hacks that actually makes you smart

Who dont loves to be smart? wait!.... but smart at what? no ,I am not actually talking about solving mathematical or chemical equation, but actually more important problems aka Dealing with life! yeh...,Sounds crazy but its true. Afterall life is really tough strugle sometimes!
so....what if we got some formula to deal or manage some  circumstances better. if at any point of your life you thought the same ,This post is definately for you......

so i am writing, a list of some psychological Hacks that will not only make you smarter version , also will prepare you  to deal and understand life much better.

and yes! you are welcome! Go for it....

1.you can understand someones Chracter better by watching how they treat a person who can do absolutely nothing for them!

everyone have two sides of personality ,first is social image and the second one is existing reality.
feeling confuse about someones actual behavior or goodness ? so use this trick ! secretly watch how they treat a person who cant return favour to them probably their servents, weighter or beggars.
their behavior reveal alot about their actual personality.

if you wants something from someone Express it as an offer not as a request!

for example  you wants someone to give you his text book offer them yours so called unique notes and when they get involved, ask for the book politely!

3.Staying calm in a bitter Discussion will eventually make you win!

if you got involved in a bitter discussion just try to show yourself calmer and cool ,it will make your opponent furious ,they will do or say something unusual which you can use against them.
(try to avoid these discussion it only makes relationship weak)

Emotion are just an illusion!

yeh ...don't call me mad ,its true at many point ,we misbehaved with someone , and gave  excuse that its due to bad mood or overflow of emotion but in fact  its a myth .
our emotion dont affect how we communicate, actually ,actually our mood is influenced by our behavior, intresting isnt it!
so you can fool your brain and you can make it belive you are happy even you are not ,so that it can release harmones which actually makes you happy

Music is life!

Listening to high frequency music makes you feel  relaxed ,calm and stress free,
so ....next time you feel out of mood,plug it your earphone.

6 .People tries to make every one happy ends up to be loneliest.!

so never ,i repeat never try to do so ,set up your priorities ,and set a limit for
that priorities too.
you cant fulfill everyones desire, follow your terms.do good and leave the rest.

referring people by their name creates more emotional conection!

yeh ,you read it right ,always try to refer people by their name ,during first meetings ,chats ,parties, it will increase the chance to create more emotional link between you and them,don't you like when someone calls your name?

Doing the things that scare you most ,increases the happiness and confidence

wanna build your confidence do whatever makes you afraid ,it sets some new conection within brain and increases your self satisfaction And happiness ,which results in high confidence.

9. copying someones body language build ups the trust!

people tends to trust those who looks similar to them, so when you copy someone's behavior and body language it makes their brain to believe ,you are like them.

10. repeated jokes dont make anyone laugh


people often dont laugh on repeated jokes ,
you can use it for your advantage. for example when someone cuts a joke on you ,pretend you haven't listen them and ask them to repeat and everyone stops laughing.

Thank you guys for reading ,keep reading for more

Also read:15 things about love you need to know

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